Thursday, April 26, 2018

What is the full form of Love!!!!

Love is not an acronym so it does not have any full form.

Love is a variety of different feelings, states and attitudes that ranges from interpersonal affection to pleasure. Love can be referred as an emotion of a strong attraction or personal attachment. It is a necessity of human being to keep them close together and live their life happily and peacefully.
LOVE full form
Love doesn't have any full form but people create their own different full forms. Some of them are given below:
  • L: Life's
  • O: Only
  • V: Valuable
  • E: Emotion
  • L: Long Lasting
  • O: Original
  • V: Valuable
  • E: Emotion
  • L: Lack
  • O: Of
  • V: Valuable
  • E: Education
  • L: Land of Sorrow
  • O: Ocean of Tears
  • V: Valley of Death
  • E: End of Life
  • L: Loss
  • O: Of
  • V: Valuable
  • E: Energy
Love has different definition for different people in different situation. For example: For mother, it is different, for wife and children, it is different. Love can be defined as a different perspective for different entities.

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