Thursday, April 26, 2018



What is the full form of Love!!!!

Love is not an acronym so it does not have any full form.

Love is a variety of different feelings, states and attitudes that ranges from interpersonal affection to pleasure. Love can be referred as an emotion of a strong attraction or personal attachment. It is a necessity of human being to keep them close together and live their life happily and peacefully.
LOVE full form
Love doesn't have any full form but people create their own different full forms. Some of them are given below:
  • L: Life's
  • O: Only
  • V: Valuable
  • E: Emotion
  • L: Long Lasting
  • O: Original
  • V: Valuable
  • E: Emotion
  • L: Lack
  • O: Of
  • V: Valuable
  • E: Education
  • L: Land of Sorrow
  • O: Ocean of Tears
  • V: Valley of Death
  • E: End of Life
  • L: Loss
  • O: Of
  • V: Valuable
  • E: Energy
Love has different definition for different people in different situation. For example: For mother, it is different, for wife and children, it is different. Love can be defined as a different perspective for different entities.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Never Judge A Book By Its Cover

People are conscious it comes to cops. There is always a negative image that cops are only related to crime. I had the same view until few years back when they came for passport verification and didn't even enter my house. When I invited they simply said people assume them to be dangerous, its better to avoid situations of gossips. It was like an invisible slap to me. Assumptions can be degrading and these people who are in the uniform provide us security are being judged unfairly.
My second interaction was when they helped me in putting up my vehicle which broke in middle of the road. That day I learned a major lesson of my life " Actions speak louder than words". I did attract an audience initially but when they saw what was going on they went on with their business.
My third interaction with law-protectors was recent when I couldn't find the government office for registrations. I came to a wrong address where was the police station. I was apprehensive but gathered some courage and spoke to the lady constable. She directed me to the circle inspector who just changed my view of scary cops. He had a pleasant aura and an enchanting smile which put me to ease. I spoke comfortably about my query and he answered. His colleague went ahead to get an auto-rickshaw for me and even bargained reasonably.
"Never judge a book by its cover"- this statement is used by many writers and we have read it in many places too. But now its time to implement it in our life.